Conflicted: A History Podcast

History Buff Convert!

I was never able to follow or connect with history class in school. It always felt like an abstract jumble of names and dates. As an adult I’ve decided to crack the subject back open and give it a fair shot. I have tried listening to several history podcasts and while there are many great ones out there, none keep me engaged the way Conflicted has. Not only has this podcast made history interesting and relatable to me, it is hands down my favorite podcast! Zack’s research, narrative framing, and insights are just so incredibly engaging and poignant. I love that he doesn’t shy away from criticizing or sympathizing with any historical figures, no matter how revered or notorious they’re regarded in the modern day. I absolutely love being able to connect with history and Zack is 100% to thank for that. I listened to all 6 installments on the partition of India and was legitimately interested the whole time… like what?! How does he do it!

I am DYING for more episodes— I can’t wait! Keep doing exactly what you’re doing. Thank you for making history accessible to people like me 🙏

Sept. 4, 2023 by Jessicamillercreative on Apple Podcasts

Conflicted: A History Podcast